Are you seeking the mystical path of life?

Welcome to The Mystical Path — the spiritual road least traveled in life.   This is the Weblog for all 21st century mystics and seekers of Truth!

Here you will find mystical Truth, higher consciousness, and deepest spirituality. You will discover and explore the hidden inner life of the Spirit within you. You will feast on banquets of oneness with other mystics, and drink the sweet wine of enlightenment to your Soul’s delight. You will partake of a spiritual life that is lean of religious rituals but rich in spiritual truth, wholly authentic, infinitely true, and totally empowering to the Soul. Its practice is DIRECT, EASY and remarkably SIMPLE.

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Enter the site. View and explore its pages.  Let your presence linger and stay. Photograph of a Traveler along the Mystical Path of Life.

Now is the moment for enlightenment and spiritual renewal. You will receive the wisdom, guidance and companionship suitable for the journey along this road of life which the undeterred few will take — the path only mystics dare to tread.

The fabled mystical path
is right where you are . . .

The fabled mystical path is right where you are in cyberspace at this very moment, here at this site — where you are and where I am — where we are. You are here for a divinely ordained purpose which even now is unfolding in your consciousness. So, make our site your home, too, and allow us to “blog the path” to oneness and wholeness for you.

We make —      

  • spiritual illumination easily accessible to everyone;

  • the attainment of God-Consciousness — a practical reality to anyone who desires and dares to undergo the transformation in consciousness; and

  • the mystical experience — an authentic transformative encounter for those who earnestly seek it. 🙂

You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all
your heart.

(Jeremiah 29:13, ESV; emphasis supplied.)

…Jesus began to preach, saying, “…the kingdom of heaven is
at hand
(Yeshua, The Gospel According to Matthew 4:17, ESV; emphasis supplied.)


Photo of Joel S. Goldsmith
In its correct sense, mysticism recognizes the ability to receive, without benefit of outside aid, a communication from God, to receive direct guidance, to commune with God. There is nothing of the occult, nothing of the mysterious, in mysticism. Correctly understood, mysticism is the language of all metaphysical teachings, because it is the teaching of conscious oneness with God.
— Joel S. Goldsmith, from God, The Substance of All Form

(This site is proudly and lovingly brought to you by divine grace and spiritual wisdom through Contemplative Pathways.)

We are the only true contemporary mysticism born of 21st century illumination and spirituality.

We give you the long and short of the spiritual journey.  Experience it as a unitive spirituality and healing — with a practice that is so easy and simple and shorn of religious rituals or cultural trimmings. It is rooted in a teaching that truly embodies the pure essence of mysticism and conveys it through a concise, direct manner. You learn the teaching and acquire its mysticism by means of a highly transformative methodology which totally empowers the Soul. Develop and explore your own unique spiritual journey here at The Mystical Path.

Picture of San Francisco Award

The Mystical Path — Recipient of the 2019 San Francisco Award
for Meditation Center Business Category

We provide online teaching, mentoring, direction and coaching for living the mystical life. For more information, visit and explore our school site.


We press the grapes of contemplation in the vineyards of the Spirit.

Support our work and become a valued spiritual partner on the path. Our spiritual partners are uplifted and sustained in God-Consciousness every time we go within in meditation.

Meditating Smiley

We provide a special service for you through the Truth teachings we share, the uplifting messages we publish, and the spiritual light and guidance we make available here at our website. If you feel blessed by it in any way, please make a financial gift or love offering through the secure PayPal widget below (Click on the “Donate” button.). Thank you for your generosity.

The bread you cast on the waters of life will come back to you increased and multiplied. — Joel S. Goldsmith —

Know that you are being blessed infinitely in return for your gift. Thank you very much, in the Oneness of all life and being.


A Brief Introduction to Mysticism and a Mystic —

[Acknowledgment to Eric Gilmour for publishing the above videos on YouTube.]

Mysticism is the true religion of mankind, the one authentic spirituality.


Participate in Our Survey

Please take the time to participate in our ongoing “duality” survey below.  Thank you.


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Acknowledgments and Dedication

Acknowledgments go to the source of all things including this Weblog, The Spirit Within, and the following reflections in Its Mirror-Mind: Dorothy, for being a pillar of spiritual encouragement; my sister Victoria, for her loving support and kindness; Fred, who ushered in a new season of realizations; my other sister and my brother, Sandra and Victor, for being family and for their love; Rachel and Rainna, my sweet princesses; and my friends (you know who you are), just for being there.

This blog site is dedicated to all past, present and future students of the Truth teaching. Consistent with being an expression of life, it remains and will continue to be… a work in progress.


    Discover, learn, see and feel the difference!
    Experience a unique and pure kind of higher spirituality through us, a unitive spirituality. It’s practice is simple, easy and lean — shorn of religious beliefs, dogmas, doctrines and cultural trimmings in the form of rites, rituals and traditions.

    We offer a spirituality that is rooted in the teachings of nondualistic oneness. It captures and embodies authentic mysticism in a concise and direct manner.

    It is a spirituality practiced and exercised using a proven methodology that is scientific and mystical at the same time. You will find it to be highly transformational in consciousness and totally empowering to the Soul.  

    Discover the true nature of God and the meaning of life.  Learn the purpose of your existence and the reason behind all human suffering. The mystical teachings are timeless yet urgently relevant today in our lives. They are profoundly true yet remarkably truly simple in their message.

    At no point in modern times has the learning and practice of mysticism been made available so DIRECTLY, so SIMPLY and so EASILY than through our methodology and presentation. Download our electronic flyer for your perusal.

    Travel with us along the mystical path of life.


A very warm welcome to students of The Infinite Way and comparable other mystical teachings or systems of transcendent spirituality. To our visitors: We bless you with this ancient Hebrew priestly blessing from the Book of Numbers, 6:24-26 (NKJV).

“The LORD bless you and keep you;
The LORD make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The LORD lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.”

[Acknowledgment: Thanks to choirboysfans for publishing the video above on YouTube.]

(Our site is constantly unfolding and improving. Bookmark our site. Stay in touch with us and visit frequently for additional or new content.  We offer you the Truth teaching and only the TRUTH. Thank you for your continuing presence here.) 😉

Become one of the many
who are waking up.

The Mystical Path
welcomes you!
Photograph of a Traveler along the Mystical Path of Life.ENTER now.

Image of Thumbs-Up Smiley

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